At Clear Hearing Solutions, we provide a safe and effective method for ear wax removal to all our Cardiff clients. Our techniques work particularly well for those experiencing blocked ears or infections. The procedure gently clears the ear canal without the need for water, making it ideal for individuals with sensitive ears or those prone to infections. So if you’re suffering from blocked ears, pain, discomfort or reduced hearing, schedule an appointment today for an assessment.
Micro suction uses a small, gentle vacuum to remove excess ear wax from the ear canal. Unlike traditional ear syringing, micro suction does not involve water, reducing the risk of infection and making it a preferred choice for many patients.
Blocked ears can result from ear wax buildup, fluid, or infections. The most common symptoms include:
Proper preparation can make your appointment more effective and comfortable. Whether it’s micro suction or treatment for tinnitus, before your appointment, we advise you follow any instructions provided by your healthcare provider.
In the days leading up to the procedure, avoid using cotton buds or other ear cleaning methods, as these can push wax deeper into the ear canal and cause irritation. Keep your ears dry to prevent moisture from exacerbating any existing issues.
Additionally, if you have any ear conditions like an infection, perforated eardrum, or recent surgery, inform your Cardiff healthcare provider beforehand. This information is important for tailoring the procedure to your specific needs. On the day of your appointment, arrive on time and bring any questions you might have. Lastly, planning your day so you can relax after the procedure is also advisable, as some people may experience mild dizziness or discomfort afterwards.
By following these steps, you’ll help ensure your micro suction procedure is smooth, effective, and as comfortable as possible
After your ear wax removal procedure, it’s essential to follow the aftercare advice provided by your healthcare professional to ensure your ears heal properly and to minimise the risk of irritation or infection. Here are some key tips to help you maintain optimal ear health:
If you’re experiencing symptoms of blocked ears or need professional ear care, contact us today to schedule a micro suction appointment. Our team is here to help you maintain optimal ear health with safe and effective treatments.
Clear Hearing Solution,
Unit 32, Goodsheds, Hood Road
Vale of Glamorgan
CF62 5QR
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